ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION (Thickness measurement)

ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION (Thickness measurement)

Thickness measurements are an application of ultrasounds. The method has applicability on any steel product or any other homogeneous material whose structure allows longitudinal wave propagation with relatively constant speed and from which a ultrasound beam reflection can be obtained from the opposite probe.



•This verification is used for thickness measurements of pipes, storage tanks, pressure vessels, metal structures etc


•Direct reading examination method;
•Examination by the method of multiple echoes;


•Mobility given by the fact that it is necessary to perform measurements accessing only one side of the object examined (pipes, tanks and other objects).
•Measurement performed through the paint layer using D7908 probe with simultaneous display of material thickness and paint layer.
•Measuring the thickness of the material at components with temperatures up 0 to 500 C in operation using D799 probe.